If you grow, we win.

What’s Heed Co.?

We are a small business consulting firm. I know when you hear business consulting you want to roll your eyes or take a hot shower.

But really we’re just people helping other people grow their business. Sometimes our clients just have ideas and don’t know what to do next. Or maybe they have a great idea, and need help creating a business plan or doing market research.

Other times we come along startups or small business. They might have an awesome product or service but just need a little direction. Usually we jump in on the sales, sales process or marketing research side of things. A little push, direction or an executed sales playbook can make a massive impact.

We’re not really in the spotlight. This is all about you, your business, and your family. If we can help, give some suggestions, see your business grow - that’s what we get excited about. If you grow, we win.

Here are a few ways we serve our clients.

If you don’t see quite what you’re looking for, let us know! We are always looking to help in new ways and grow our expertise.

Hey, I’m Taylor

You and I were created for relationships.

Friends, family, significant others, parents, neighbors, business partners… life is about relationship.

My favorite thing is meeting new people. Exciting, interesting, boring, old, young, everyone has a story to tell. I want to hear yours!