
We’re just people helping other people grow their business.

What’s Heed Co.?

We are a small business consulting firm. I know when you hear business consulting you want to roll your eyes or take a hot shower.

But really we’re just people helping other people grow their business. Sometimes our clients just have ideas and don’t know what to do next. Or maybe they have a great idea, and need help creating a business plan or doing market research.

Other times we come along startups or small business. They might have an awesome product or service but just need a little direction. Usually we jump in on the sales, sales process or marketing research side of things. A little push, direction or an executed sales playbook can make a massive impact.

We’re not really about the spotlight. This is all about you, your business, and your family. If we can help, give some suggestions, see your business grow - that’s what we get excited about, that’s what we are all about.

If you grow, we win.